Friday Evening ...
I love it when I make an effort to do 'something' on a Friday evening. It always makes the weekend feel longer. Pre-children, we'd often go out after work on a Friday but these days it's all too easy to just sit on the sofa in front of the TV worn out from the busy week just gone.
Well, last night we did do 'something'. We invited our friend's Madeleine and Dan over. It was one of those dinner invitations that had been in the pipeline for ages - long overdue. We share our work studio with Madeleine, the incredibly creative lady behind
Mibo, so it was really nice to relax and enjoy each others company outside of the work environment. Plus, with them both looking forward to the arrival of their twins in a couple of months, it was nice to spoil them a bit.
We played music, chatted and enjoyed a relaxed leisurely meal. I cooked an
Aubergine Involtini (a Nigella gem that never fails me) which was served with a simple green salad and local sourdough bread. For afters I made a Pistachio Cake (a
River Cafe recipe, should you be wondering) served with Greek Yoghurt and Raspberries. I didn't realise until I bought the dessert out that Dan is very much a Pistachio fan. He is currently on a mission to 'better' a pistachio ice cream that he once had the pleasure of experiencing in Italy, which was apparently, an amazing taste sensation. It is great when you have those food moments that ingrain deeply and stay with you. What a task to set yourself ... to taste pistachio ice cream every time such an opportunity arises in order to seek out pure perfection. That's what I call a great pastime.