Louise Gorrod

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Are We There Yet?

This will be my last post for a couple of weeks. We're heading off for our family holiday tomorrow; a week in Cornwall with a long weekend tagged onto the end with my parents on the Isle of Wight. The kids can't wait and neither can David and I to be honest. Eleven days of family time. All four of us together at any one time; such a rare luxury. Eleven days of having four hands rather than the usual two and a chance to slow the pace and just be.

Today I've been working through my 'to-do' list of packing, preparing food to take with us, and packing up 'entertainment bags' for the car journey in a bid to delay the inevitable chorus of 'are we there yet?' from the back of the car. Then there's the final bits of washing and carefully selecting which of the kids toys to take. I'm also cleaning the house, so I don't return home all refreshed to a dump of a house. That would be completely counteractive.
Not one to be completely idle, I will use the break to plan some future posts, many of which I'm sure will be inspired by our holiday. I look forward to sharing them on my return.