Work: A New Client
I've not really touched on work that much on this blog. But now I am back on a regular albeit part-time basis I see it creeping in. It's only natural as it part of my life and it's life that gets detailed on this blog.
January has always been a quite time of year for us work-wise. Things tend to kick in come May as the big design shows of late summer loom. But that said this current period has been unusually busy. We're all in uncertain times at the moment as our business is indirectly controlled by what is happening in the retail world. We've lost a few clients of late to these hard times which has been sad. However, we've won two new clients this year already and there is other stuff in the pipeline that may or may not come to fruit in the coming months. New work is welcome: it takes the edge off when you know the coming business year isn't likely to be a walk in the park what with businesses making cuts, funding being reined in and purses generally being tighten.
So back at the desk, I've been writing press releases and copy announcing our new client to the press. The new client is British-Japanese designer Reiko Kaneko. We are no strangers to Reiko’s bold yet delicate ceramics having worked with her many times in the past through like likes of Hidden Art and Tent London (who we also handle the PR for). However, this is the first time that we have worked together independently and we for one are quite excited.
Reiko has built herself an enviable reputation with her surreal witty designs, but she is currently focusing on a second strand to her business. It’s one that’s altogether more sedate and finer in style. This new sophisticated collection, titled Artic, is aimed at the fine dining sector. There is already a bespoke commission underway for world-renowned restaurant; a sure sign that this will be another strong sought after collection.
We work with all sizes of businesses, but I do really enjoy working with such individual talents as Reiko. In times like now it is more important than ever to champion our homegrown design-talent. Readers of design and interior magazines: remember that name ... you'll soon be reading all about it.