It's been a crazy busy week on the work front, but I did have a day off earlier in the week. Nothing too taxing, just staying at home with the kids catching up on chores and stuff. Lily had a friend over for a play and lunch. It seems that if you're seven having a friend over to play at your house is a big thing.
Not that long ago play-dates had what you might call a 'sell-by-date', in as far as after a certain time things often became fractious, loud, boring etc. But I must say all of Lily's friends who have been round this summer holiday have been a joy to have. Maybe it's an age thing. They disappear upstairs and quietly loose themselves in Moshi Monster books for ages, coming down every now and then to happily hang out and chat with the grown up. Plus they've all been lovely with involving a little brother in what they do when he ambles upstair to see what they are doing. It all makes for a happy unit. I even got to sit down on the sofa with a cup of tea and had a quick flick through a magazine; normally unheard of during the day.
The friend that had come to play earlier this week, had the previous day moved to a new flat with her mum. She excitedly told me all about her new home and how later that evening her mum's friend was joining them and the three of them were going to 'have a house warming party' that was strictly girls only.
Well, I told her that she couldn't possibly consider having a party without a cake. We made a lemon drizzle cake together and she took her baked pride and joy home with her.