Happy Birthday Lily Biba!

Yesterday Lily turned 6. It's a strange feeling. On one hand I find myself thinking how has six years has gone by so quickly, yet on the other hand I can't remember life without her. What birthdays do though, every year without fail, is remind us how very quickly our children grow up and that their childhoods are to be cherished.

Her day started with a excited rush of cards to open and presents to unwrap, then day-to-day reality interrupted and she went off to school, albeit with a box of homemade jam drop biscuits for her classmates.

After school and back home we (lily, arthur, mummy, daddy, nanny and grandad) went to our local beach-side cafe for pizza and icecream, which according to Lily all made for a very special day. She has her party tomorrow, which is known as 'Birthday No. 2', then she'll start her count down to her 7th birthday.