Happy Birthday Arthur / A Tune for Tuesday ...
It's been a while since my last post. School and house issues have been demanding much of my time lately and I've generally just been really busy. However, I couldn't not post today for it is a very important day in our household; Arthur's birthday. My little man is now a very grown-up two years old. He isn't really aware what is happening. Lily has been telling him it's his birthday for a few weeks now, so he frequently says' berfday' and sometimes he follows that statement with 'tooooo'. He seems to have learnt that those two words go together at the moment and gets him a response of smiles.
Maybe he'll get an inkling that it is a special day later on in the day. We're going to have a little party at home for him and seven close friends. It will be a simple affair of toys, fish-fingers and chips, birthday cake, balloons and playdough. It will be right up his street.
What with it being a Tuesday, I thought I ought to make an effort to post up a Tune for Tuesday. This tune is dedicated to my wonderful birthday boy. I am blessed to have him; he is warm, funny, amazing company and he effortlessly makes all my days sunny ones. I'm sure I can speak for his daddy and big sister as well when I say that he has, without doubt, made our family rounded, complete and pretty damn perfect! Happy Birthday Arthur - Big Love xxxxxxxxxxx