My Yoga Ladies

It's been a long week and quite a tough one at that. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I've been struggling under a bit of a cloud this week. Maybe it's the weather turning, maybe it's the constant entertaining of the kids or (when not coming up with exciting things for them to do) the overused phrase of 'we're bored'. It could be the endless housework, tidying, washing up and cooking meals. It's non-stop for a good twelve hours a day and it is tiring. Then there was the bigger thing; the riots. At first they made me so very angry, now I just feel sad.

Sometimes, during times like these, you need to just lift yourself out of the everyday for a few hours. It's easier said than done, but luckily for me I had an evening out last night. It feels a long time since I last had a proper evening out. Reader of this blog will know that I did go to Vintage at the Southbank recently, but I say that doesn't count as it was 'work related'. I got my diary out and looked back through the months. The last evening out I had was the 5th of May; a good few shared bottles of wine at a friends house. So I was right, it has been a while. With that pattern, my next night out should be in mid November.

I was in very good company last night with my 'yoga ladies'. Yes, the four of us always refer to our collective as the yoga ladies. I must say it does give outsiders a false impression that we are all super bendy ladies that can transform into an elegant 'sun salutation' pose at the drop of a hat. The truth is that we all meet in 2008 as pregnant ladies doing a weekly pregnancy yoga class. Of the class, the four of us soon bonded and now see each other regularly with our resulting offspring; Arthur, Oliver, Cherry and Sofia. The truth is none of us has done any yoga since. But the rather fallacious name has stuck.

A night out with good friends is sometimes all it takes to feel like your old self again. Food, wine, conversation; all partner and child free is great therapy. We're all in the same boat and sometimes just knowing that is enough to wake up a little more positive the next day.