A Year Ago Today
Image: Stardaffs Photos
It was exactly a year ago today that I wrote my first Buttercup Days blog post. I'm quite amazed that I'm still writing them a year on. It's true that I've never been short of something to say.
When I started writing the blog I was a full-time stay-at-home mum. Yes, I'd work some evenings as you do when you have your own business; you never switch off completely but essentially the main part of my day was spent at home. I love being mum, it suits me down to the ground, but I like to have a creative output of sorts and that is what this blog provided for me back then.
Now, I'm busier than ever doing everything I did a year ago, but also working three part-time work shifts into the week. However, after a year of writing, recording and sharing it would be hard to just stop. I still have more to say.
It's been a rather organic process. I never set out with a particularly clear idea of what I was going to do, let alone achieve. But scrolling back through the year I've recorded, I think that it certainly gives a fairly accurate insight into life right now. I try to make my writings honest and to some extent varied. One thing I like about the blog is how it's become a record of the kids year too. I've always been rubbish at keeping photo albums so its a rather nice bi-product of writing a blog of this nature.
I’m no writer and certainly no photographer for that matter. So often much of what I write is done in done very quickly with posts just churned out whilst eating my lunch or having a cup of tea before the school run. The first draft is the final draft. I've had to except that I haven't the time to be a perfectionist when it come to blogging. But whatever I am waffling on about, I'm getting readers and that is just lovely. Over the last year I've had 6,476 hits and I've written 117 posts. It's not huge in the blogging world I know, but I'm quite pleased all the same.
So whatever the reason that drives you to drop by Buttercup Days; the family stuff; the recipes; the craft projects; the tunes or the occasional rants and moans, I'd like to thank you. It’s been a really enjoyable year.