
Today my little man is three. I don't think he really understands what birthdays are, but Lily has been doing a pretty good job in briefing him in the run up to his big day. I think, now is maybe the time I'd like to press the pause button: he is still very innocent and has a happy outlook on his little life. He is yet to be influenced by the 'outside' world. He wakes up singing every morning - that's the kind of child he is.

Today we'll have a fairly normal day with work and school, but it will be peppered with lots of lovely things: things that will appeal to him such as colourful envelopes addressed to Master A Gorrod that he can open as well as parcels and presents; he'll take homemade biscuits into playschool to share with his friends who will sing 'Happy Birthday' to him; there will be phone calls for him from family wanting to hear about his day; we'll have Macaroni Cheese for dinner and Chocolate Birthday Cake and Ice Cream for pudding. Perfect.

Happy Birthday Arthur - keep on singing xxxx